Volunteer for our Italian Festival,
you'll love it!
Consider volunteering your time and talent to Saint Leo's Church in support of its Festival Committees, the tedious planning and coordinating the hundreds of details it takes to pull off successful street festivals! Add your email address to our Little Italy email list to receive Neighborhood News once a month with all event info and volunteer needs.
What can you expect?
STUDENTS! EARN SERVICE HOURS! Help is also needed for physical setup of festivals, and preparing food during Festival Prep Week. If you're free to lend your hands and muscles for WHATEVER amount of hours, email Amy Lamberti, Events & Festival Manager. |
Volunteers needed here:
Email the following information to Sarah Pasko.
1) name and cell # 2) area of preference to work 3) day preferred: Saturday, Sunday, or both The Volunteer Coordinator will do her best to accommodate your preference, however, your flexibility is appreciated as time and location slots fill. |