Saint Leo the Great Roman Catholic Church
listed on National Register of Historic Places
Generations of Italians have been baptized, married, received Sacraments,
and buried from this historic parish, built for Italian immigrants in 1881. Read history >>>
and buried from this historic parish, built for Italian immigrants in 1881. Read history >>>
PASTOR - Rev.. Bernard P. Carman, S.A.C. ASSOCIATE PASTOR - Rev. Francis Jaismon, S.A.C. DEACON - Rev. Mr. Douglas P. Kendzierski ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Tina Cricchio DeFranco MUSIC DIRECTOR - Christopher Rhodovi TRUSTEES - Salliann Alborn, Joseph Welkie PARISH COUNCIL PRESIDENT - Maryellen "Gia" Woodward RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORDINATOR - Maryellen "Gia" Woodward EVENTS/FESTIVAL MANAGERS - Amy Lamberti, Sarah Pasko FACILITIES MANAGER - Arthur Gentile BULLETIN EDITOR & DESIGNER Suzanna Molino SOCIAL MEDIA Tarra Mays, Suzanna Molino WEEKLY PARISH BULLETIN - Items for bulletin are due by Wednesday of each week and must be related to the parish, archdiocese, or Italian community. Items are subject to editing for grammar, verbiage, and space. Bulletin editor and designer is parishioner Suzanna Rosa Molino, Director of Promotion Center for Little Italy, Baltimore. BULLETIN ADS - Sponsor ads for the bulletin are available through LPI / Liturgical Publications, Inc. |